Venetian Las Vegasë®

Here's an H1 Heading®

©Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam lorem odio®, auctor quis quam at, scelerisque scelerisque arcu. Morbi tortor tellus, molestie euismod metus in, posuere pulvinar lacus. Nam id commodo odio, a dapibus velit. Sed in sodales libero. Suspendisse potenti. In consectetur blandit aliquet. Integer eu metus aliquet, luctus tellus sit amet, dictum arcu.


Anything on the page (within reason...).

In consectetur felis vitae vulputate sodales. Cras euismod mi et purus molestie cursus. Vestibulum cursus ante at velit egestas tempor eu id nunc. Curabitur in metus eu odio placerat accumsan eu et felis. Vestibulum ultricies finibus ultrices. Ut viverra id mi ac luctus. Praesent eleifend odio at enim fermentum semper. Nam tincidunt risus porttitor, convallis eros sed, auctor sapien. Donec ut fringilla nulla. In iaculis aliquam varius. Etiam ultrices elit ullamcorper mauris sagittis, eu sollicitudin lacus fermentum. Donec finibus libero quis velit vehicula ullamcorper sit amet a quam. Aliquam et lobortis orci, et sodales risus. Vestibulum laoreet, sem ac mollis eleifend, enim diam rhoncus tellus, eget scelerisque felis odio sit amet purus. Vestibulum rutrum pellentesque purus, scelerisque vulputate neque ultrices et.

Nam quis libero eu felis scelerisque condimentum vitae non libero. Duis malesuada tincidunt tellus, eu interdum dui tristique eu. Cras sed cursus lacus, id eleifend sapien. Sed in turpis dapibus, venenatis turpis sed, ornare ante. Donec gravida mattis quam, in auctor nisi pellentesque nec. Proin orci nulla, ultricies et dignissim sit amet, scelerisque vel ipsum. Nunc at tincidunt orci. Nam nibh velit, facilisis et lacus aliquet, molestie vestibulum metus. Vestibulum ac faucibus metus, eu aliquet erat. Quisque lobortis malesuada venenatis

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shoulder spare ribs kielbasa andouille meatball porchetta. Shoulder hamburger kevin ball tip chuck strip steak brisket sirloin chicken bacon fatback alcatra pig buffalo turducken. Chuck kielbasa spare ribs, venison chicken leberkas burgdoggen bresaola ground round pork belly tongue. Tenderloin cupim beef ribs sausage, strip steak jowl brisket beef chislic ribeye meatball fatback prosciutto. Pork shoulder prosciutto landjaeger kevin, turkey tri-tip boudin leberkas meatball chicken venison ribeye. Doner cow picanha rump, tenderloin drumstick t-bone alcatra shank bresaola.

Porchetta andouille venison, chicken burgdoggen pork loin pastrami pork chop spare ribs buffalo. Leberkas alcatra biltong pig turducken chislic strip steak chicken pastrami ball tip venison sausage tenderloin pork belly shank. Hamburger tri-tip buffalo shoulder chicken prosciutto t-bone alcatra tail ball tip meatloaf beef ribs drumstick chislic. Burgdoggen pork chuck sirloin, fatback jowl swine pastrami. Kevin sirloin short loin corned beef. Biltong cow doner jowl pork chop picanha porchetta, corned beef shank sausage drumstick pancetta venison capicola boudin.

Leberkas burgdoggen venison ham hock, pastrami buffalo kielbasa ribeye meatloaf chislic. Pancetta doner pork chop biltong alcatra cupim buffalo meatloaf, venison shoulder chicken salami hamburger. Jerky cow kevin boudin t-bone pork, chuck spare ribs doner shank ribeye shoulder tri-tip turkey. Doner t-bone beef, landjaeger kevin pancetta drumstick sausage brisket hamburger rump bacon buffalo andouille meatloaf. Frankfurter bacon short loin ribeye spare ribs flank. Flank brisket sirloin biltong jowl sausage filet mignon ribeye rump strip steak chicken salami shoulder short loin jerky.

Placeholder Image

Venetian card 1

"Teaser" component's default look & feel

Venetian card 2

Don't stop half way, go for the top!

Venetian card 3

Stay & play on your vacay

Placeholder Image

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  • spaces
  • Virtual Planner
  • spaces
  • Services
Placeholder Image

Ian Provo



Text Component

Plain text with basic formatting such as links,  subscript and superscript.

Left Alightment

Right Alignment

Center Alignment


Specific Tabbed Positioning


H1 title

paragraph text...

H2 title

paragraph text...

H3 title

paragraph text...

H4 title

paragraph text...

H5 title

paragraph text...

H6 title

paragraph text...

Block quotes
 Col 1   Col 2   Col3 
R2C1 R2C2 R2C3
stuff other  more

Source edit (auto-strips CSS or JS)


Paste from Word

SAAS based modules include Optimizely & Adobe Target for campaign management. YouTube is the video hosting service provider. There are future plans to integrate with Wistia or a similar video hosting platform as YouTube has limitations with branding etc.


The custom data services layer is built in OSGi using set of services. It’s responsible for providing data to AEM components to paint content pages. OSGi services are used to connect platform with different data sources and systems depicted in the architecture.

Other key OSGI services include search implementation driven by Lucene and Active directory supporting LDAP based authentication for content authors, reviewers, approvers and admins. 


Every consumer request after getting resolved by DNS server will be reach load balancer. Redirect rules will be set in load balancer to cater to legacy URL’s and rewrite them to AEM hosted solution. 


The Venetian AEM Platform application must support multiple types of requests:

 Page requests over https

  • All AEM pages are requested as .html
  • These .html pages will be cached on the dispatcher layer with appropriate configurations


This diagram gives a high level overview of the request flow for the solution – 



  1. Authentication requests to LDAP
  • The authors for the CMS will be authenticated against Active Directory LDAP
  • The content authors will authenticate against LDAP .Their profile information will be stored in LDAP. Authenticated users will be cached on AEM Author instance for preset time.